Monday, March 31, 2008

Do I???

Where did the month of March go to???? Let alone why is 2008 going at such a faaaaaasssssssssssstttttttttttt pace. Makes you stop and think: JUST HOW MUCH TIME DO I DEVOTE TO GOD????? Do I take time to get into His Word? Do I take time to share with others just what He does in my life? Do I take time to serve Him, not serve myself, but HIM!???? Do I take time to pray everyday, every waking moment, with every breath? Do I take time to give Praise for all the changes He has blessed me with? Do I take time to say "Halleliah! Thank you Jesus"? Do I take time.............(you can fill in the blank)...........

So as the year quickly moves on, we prepare for Kingdom Bound 2008. Still many fun events are planned till August--so even if you won't be joining us for KB '08, still join us for the fun and fellowship.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for this special friend who is reading this blog right now. Father, I pray that you bless this person so fully that they feel Your Love. Father, I pray that this person is a Light of Your Power and they Joyfully go forward with their day. In the precious name of Jesus I pray. Amen